PSC: BellSouth Enhances Competition

This is a companion piece for the posting a bit earlier on US Senator Stevens, the man who chairs the committee responsible regulating on the internet.

Here we draw attention to Jimmy Field’s understanding of competition. Feld is the man who chairs the Louisiana Public Service Commission; the body responsible for protecting Louisiana consumers.

The PSC was asked to rule on whether allowing AT&T to buy up BellSouth would be good for the public or not. By a vote of 4 to 1 the PSC decided that it would be good for consumers. Here is the way Feld justified that vote; in it he demonstrates his profound understanding of how massive consolidation can lead to increased competition:

Commissioner Jimmy Field of Baton Rouge, who chairs the five-member panel, said competition in cities that have operated under merged companies offer more and cheaper services to consumers.

“This is one way to encourage competition and that outweighs the negatives,” Field said.”


(From the Advocate)

7 thoughts on “PSC: BellSouth Enhances Competition”

  1. Any wod on the Easton/naquin case? Is it an expidited process? When will they hear it in the courts?

    Anthony Mousaid