Stirring Endorsement of Fiber Optics—for Government

An editorial in the Advertiser lauds the fiber backbone, citing its use in video-based court proceeding that increase security and save money.

Hey, the Advertiser takes a principled position on the burning issue of fiber optics….

Its hard to know what to say about such tepid, safe editorializing. There’s a real fiber issue out there for the Advertiser to deal with and they seem unable to see what is obvious to both the public and its elected leadership: that competition is good, and that LUS’ fiber optic network will benefit the community as a whole.

We’ve got three newspapers in Lafayette; two are owned by a large out of state news corporation and one is locally owned. Guess which one has endorsed a fiber optic network.

4 thoughts on “Stirring Endorsement of Fiber Optics—for Government”

  1. The Advertiser has seemed constitutionally incapable of making an endorsement of anything of consequence for a long time now. I guess the Gannett folks feel like the slight chance that they might alienate a single subscriber puts a cramp on whatever instinct the editors who are supposedly in charge might have for any issue facing the city.

    I’m still surprised they made an endorsement in the governor’s race last year or that they came out against the recent gay marriage amendment. Most of the time it’s tripe like what you point out in this post.

  2. Yeah, It is frustrating. But I do have to admit the editorial on the anti-gay amendment did show courage. But I think where they really fall down is not on things that might offend some subscribers–no doubt plenty were offended by their stance on gay marriage–but on anything that might offend any advertiser. They join the Chamber in this inability to offend a business, no matter how clear the case or how ‘foriegn’ the business. I can understand, while not actually respect, that sort of timidity but what grates on my nerves is that at other moments such organizations confidently project the image that they are couragous community leaders and represent bold entrepreneurs.

    ‘Tain’t so.